Welcome to Clair Memorial United Methodist Church

Meet Our Pastor, Reverend Portia Cavitt

Reverend Cavitt, affectionately known as Pastor P, has been our shepherd since July 1st, 2008. As the current president of the Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance of Metropolitan Omaha, NE, Reverend Cavitt has helped to unite the Omaha community across denominational and community lines with the purposes of building greater community while advocating for human rights and social justice. 

Pastor Portia Cavitt speaks at MLK event 2024 

Join us for one of our worship experiences:

Sunday morning worship 10:00 AM CST (In-Person and Facebook Live)
Sunday Evening Bible Study 5:00 PM CST (In-Person and Zoom Meeting by Request)
Musicians/Choir Rehearsal Saturdays 11:00 AM CST (In-Person)
Wednesday Night Bible Study 6:00 PM CST (In-Person and Zoom Meeting by Request)